How to turn aspirations into reality by Kellie Manderfeld

Any idea, dream, aspiration, or goal can only go from concept to reality by taking action.  Inspiration can be drawn from many sources, such as quotes from those we admire, hearing about the accomplishments of others, or learning something new and exciting.  Inspiration does not automatically turn into an outcome unless we purposefully initiate an action.  In fact, inspiration can quickly be forgotten.  If not forgotten, we can far too easily let self-doubt get in the way and demolish our feelings of inspiration.  Sometimes our first action needs to take the form of identifying and circumventing that self-doubt.

In a similar fashion, having our ideas and feelings affirmed by others can be a powerful motivator to make changes and engage in new ventures, however, believing our ideas are valid does not always yield action.  In contrast, taking small steps towards what we desire can, over time, inspire us onward or be self-affirming.  “Actions speak louder than words” and “fake it till you make it” are old adages for a reason.

To begin to move from contemplation to action, three key components are needed:

  1. Know what you want – Figuring out exactly what we want can be the most confusing part for some.  When you have landed on what it is you want, take time to truly visualize it and make it as real as possible in your mind.  Write it down.  Putting our thoughts in writing makes the outcome more real and can strengthen our resolve.
  2. Know why you want it – Dig deep and explore the reasons why this is of importance to you.  When we are connected to why we want to do something it can help sustain us when things get challenging and keep us from giving up.
  3. Decide what you need to do to make things happen.  What are the steps?  What will you need?  When and where will you engage in these activities?  Knowing what to do and how to begin sets the stage for taking action.

To help follow through with your steps keep three things in mind:

  1. Check in with your feelings.  If considering your next steps provokes anxiety, your first step is to address that feeling.  If you are pumped up thinking about your next step, find a way to tap into that feeling and keep it working for you.
  2. Accountability is key.  Either engage someone you trust to hold you or develop a self-check system.
  3. Monitor your progress.  Somethings you try will go well and somethings won’t.  Celebrate your successes and recognize when it is time to move on from attempts that are not working.

Indira Ghandi said, “Have a bias towards action.  Let’s see something happen now.  You can break that plan into small steps and take the first step right away.”  So, what are you ready to pursue today?  Pick that first action and get started on creating the life you want.  Turn your aspirations into reality!

To work with Kellie or for more information contact Kellie at

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